Your Business is in the Hands of the People You Hire

Interview Skills for Managers & Technical Teams

Your challenge is to attract, motivate and retain the type of talent that will accelerate the success of your company. Your first step then, is to hire the right person -- the first time.

Unfortunately, many companies don't. With a "wrong match" – which may not surface for months – critically valuable investments in productivity, team morale, and momentum can be severely impacted. Then, you've got real problems.

The key to "Hiring Right the First Time" lies in the hands of the interviewer. With the right interviewing skill set, you can quickly assess strengths (along with weaknesses and problem areas) that might not otherwise present themselves in the course of the traditional interview. Most candidates can predict they type of question they'll be asked and have "canned" answers already prepared. At that point, you're not interviewing the person, you're interviewing their cue cards!

There is a better, more productive, and proven way to better screen potential employees. Behavioral interviewing is a structured, objective-oriented interview process that helps you better evaluate applicants and improve the match between people and jobs. Unlike traditional interviewing, behavioral interviewing focuses on examples of past behavior that can be used to predict future behavior. And, it works.

What you can expect to learn from this workshop:

  • Learn relevant, practical information pertaining to the legal aspects of employment
  • Learn an interviewing process that eliminates guesswork and goes beyond "gut feeling"
  • Learn a step-by-step methodology that helps you conduct more effective interviews
  • Learn how to leverage the interview team through a strategic plan
  • Learn how to structure the interview and formulate probing questions
  • Learn how to evaluate candidates based on past actions and behaviors
  • Learn to woo the candidate and get them to say YES to your job offer